Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It was such a coincidence yesterday when I was frantically dashing around the house trying to get everything together for the day ahead, whilst also thinking about the Bowel Cancer facts and figures I was going to blog about, and then in the background the tv was on - (miraculously not cbeebies!) - Bowel Cancer was headline news stating how we all desparately need educating on this crucial matter - and so my crusade goes on, here are some of the facts. I will talk about risk factors and what we can do about it next time:-
  • Bowel cancer is a disease of the large bowel (colon) or rectum. Sometimes called colo-rectal or colon cancer.
  • It is the 2nd largest cause of cancer deaths in the UK.
  • It is the 3rd most common cancer after breast and lung.
  • 50 people die almost every day and 100 people are diagnosed with it.
  • If caught in time 90% of bowel cancer can be treated totally successfully.
  • 64% of the general public have never seen or heard and educational information about bowel cancer in the last 12 months. (

So, why don't people like talking about this type of cancer and why does it still appear to be a 'taboo' subject? I'm certainly not embarrassed or ashamed to discuss my toilet habits - so if anybody wants to chat about anything good or bad that they may see in the toilet - I'm all ears!! We've got to break down the barriers of this subject so that people will be more aware of the risks and not be afraid to seek attention sooner rather than later.

I do not like scaremongering and this is not what I am here to do. I will, over time, offer practical solutions and advice on how we can all improve the health of our bowels, bodies and minds. But are you ready to make the change?

  • Don't be another statistic
  • Take responsibility for your health - only YOU can do it
  • Invest in your life today
  • Do you want to be happy, healthy and full of positive energy?

Take it easy and we'l catch up tomorrow xxx (desparate housewives is on!!)

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