Monday, March 23, 2009


3 Things most likely to affect a persons chances of developing bowel cancer - DIET - LIFESTYLE - FAMILY HISTORY. So we may not be able to do anything about the family history bit, but if bowel cancer does run in your family you can certainly improve the risk it poses to yourself by following a healthy living and eating plan.

4. If you can cut out red meat! This has been linked to bowel cancer. If you cannot cut out red meat simply cut down and make sure you chew it thoroughly. Our bodies simply cannot digest red meat it just ferments and rots in the bowel. Pulses, dark green vegetables, tofu, nuts etc can provide the vitamins and minerals to compensate for the red meat.

5. Chew - chew- chew - till the food is almost liquified in your mouth. This way you will get more nutrients out of your food and your stomach and bowel won't be so overwhelmed and have a hard job of breaking down all the undigested foods. You will also feel full before you get the chance to overeat!

6. ENJOY YOUR FOOD - Smell the food being cooked (if possible) and look forward to it. This will get your saliva flowing and at the same time vital enzymes in your stomach will be flowing, ready to accept the food in order to break it down and it will digest properly. When we are stressed and not really thinking about the food we are eating problems such as excess gas and tummy cramps can occur.

7. So you are much better to eat a small piece of cake and really enjoy it, than eat half the cake and feel ashamed and guilty about it.


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