Friday, March 6, 2009


Hi and welcome to my blog, I’m Becci Burlinson, registered general nurse and colon hydrotherapist. Recently married in Cyprus 2007, mum of one gorgeous little man who is 2 years old and step-mum also to an energetic and loving soon- to- be eight year old little lady. So pretty much have my hands full these days!!

The purpose of this blog is to enable me to share my knowledge with you about what I do and hopefully other health conscious people will also share their tips and advice with me.

I am passionate about what I do and am loving doing it at the moment! I know that probably sounds a bit weird but I truly find the digestive system fascinating and believe that the key to true health and happiness lies deep within us somewhere and by clearing out lots of unwanted materials and emotions this is easier to achieve.

It feels great to meet new and interesting people all the time and be able to help them in some way, whether that is helping them to go to the toilet more regularly (or less regularly as the case may be) or helping them figure out what food groups suit them or simply listening and helping them to unblock and release emotional blockages – please don’t thinks this all sounds airy fairy – I am a very practical person and the results I have seen literally (or rather not literally) blow me away every time! Ha!

How this all happened - I’m not really sure, I guess like many things one thing lead to another!! I have always been amazed by the digestive system and after witnessing people suffering with; bowel obstructions, diverticuli, ulcerative colitis or chronic constipation, ’IBS’ - I thought there must be another way other than just more, and more, and yes more medication and low and behold there is!!! But it wasn’t until I started practising colon hydrotherapy / irrigation that I realised what the true benefits of this treatment were, it is not a ‘cure all’ or a replacement for medical advice by any means but the gentle rinsing action of purified, filtered water being massaged around our colon helps to rehydrate, reshape and most importantly tone our large bowel muscle aiding better elimination of poisonous toxins and waste materials from our bodies, and with all the toxins and chemicals in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the things we put on our bodies these days this can-not be a bad thing!

The internet is awash with all the magnificent effects of colonics however these may not necessarily be felt by everyone. As much as I think colon hydrotherapy is a fantastic treatment, for me colon hydrotherapy is a very individual, holistic healing treatment, you take away from it what you put into it – (not literally although this would be rather amusing!!) Colonic hydrotherapy is by no means just a physical thing it is about connecting with our bodies and often a successful colonic means letting go of past emotions that you may have been bottling up for many years , indeed our solar plexus runs right through the transverse colon. Our minds are very closely linked with our bowel and their habits, hence the sayings ‘gut feeling’ or when we are nervous about something and we may have ‘butterflies in our tummy.’ So a good colon hydrotherapy session can be quite emotional for some people; as they release stagnant thoughts from their minds they can also release unwanted material down below, this can be a truly exhilarating experience. Afterwards some people can feel physically lighter but also mentally lighter and brighter. This may not happen to everybody though – it depends how much you really connect with yourself and the therapist and how much you fully relax. However you can be pretty sure though that after any colon hydrotherapy session with a competent therapist you will have definitely rehydrated your system, improved or banished bloatedness and cramps, should be able to eliminate toxins more efficiently and your stools should look healthier.

The effects of the treatment will last longer if a healthy diet and as much raw foods as possible are ingested, colonics make up 25% of being happy and healthy the rest is down to diet and exercise.

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