Tuesday, March 31, 2009


11. Eat for what you are about to do, not for what you have done!

12. Beans and pulses (baked beans/sweetcorn/lentils/peas etc) all have high fibre contents and are a very valuable part of your diet - especially if you have cut down your intake of red meats. If you are not used to eating them introduce them into your diet carefully and slowly to avoid excess gas. Soak you beans overnight and discard soak water before cooking.

13. You will have heard this before! But do try as much as you can to buy locally and in season. This will ensure you get nutrient-rich fresh food and are also contributing to the survival of farming in Britain. Try to imagine the life your fruit/veg/meat had before it arrived on the supermarket shelf. If its been shipped half way accross the world in some plastic container and sprayed and re-sprayed, then sat on the shelf for a few days, by the time you get it home and into your stomach the nutrients will be fairly reduced to say the least!! I know with things like bananas this is impossible but at least think about the person who picked them and buy fairtrade where you can afford. The more you consciously start to think about where your food comes from and not just randomly shoving things into your body, the more weight you will lose. As your awareness starts to increase!

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